Are the people in your business getting you down?

I provide business psychology consulting to:

  • Improve owner mindset
  • Motivate staff
  • Engage audiences

What I do

I'm Kara Lambert, an insightful, honest small business psychology consultant helping service-based businesses understand the psychology of the people they rely on to grow their business.

Right business owner mindset

You're tired, stuck, overwhelmed, not sure what to do next. What you do know is that you're tired of being part of the problem holding your business back.

Business Growth

Business isn't growing as you expected, or worse, you see others' growing. It's frustrating not knowing where, how, what, or even who is going wrong in your business.

Engaged Audience

You're tired of feeling like you're talking in a vacuum and you just want the time, and money, you spend on your marketing to get the clicks you know it deserves. 

A bit more about me

From years of management, consulting & study I've discovered one underlying business truth:

We are trying to get someone to do something we need so that we can succeed.

To get results... you need action
To get action... you need to understand what drives the PERSON taking the action.

Regardless of if that's online or on the shop floor, our behaviour is based in our psychology - what drives us to do what we do.

I'm here to help business owners use psychology to build better client relationships, grow their business, and have it as their business edge. It's my training in business and psychology which makes me different. 


What I do to help improve your small business results through psychology

Owner Mindset

Perhaps you’ve done some work and realised that what holds you back is imposter syndrome, a fear of failure, fear of being ordinary, or worse that you are ordinary (all actual reasons people have used my services). To get through you push on, work harder and keep grinding. Partly because that’s all you know, it’s familiar & hope that one day all that chatter in your head will be gone because the hard work will pay off and you’re a success.
But what if it doesn’t? What if this is as good as it gets?

Business Coaching

So many business owners are too close to the problem to see the solution.  Too often there are actually multiple problems and they either can't see them all or have no clue how to tackle them.

They need someone objective who can piece it (and them) together so that their business functions as a productive & efficient whole. 

Engaged Audience

You know social media is important to your business, you know it will work, and there has to be a way to engage your audience. There is.

When you understand:
- how social media platforms use psychology to keep us here
- what is happening inside your clients' minds
- how to use psychology to motivate your audience to take the action you need.

Public Speaking

Many of us understand the 80/20 rule. I understand that sometimes the 80% return comes from the 20% change. This is often true for psychology. 

If your audience could benefit from learning about the psychology behind an improved mindset, motivating staff, or engaging an online audience, I encourage you to learn more and watch some of my previous speaking engagements.

What people say about working with me

Mark appreciated the generosity

Kara is warm, friendly and very generous with the information that she shares. She is incredibly switched on and extremely knowledgeable! I wouldn't hesitate for a second to recommend Kara. Every interaction has been a positive interaction.

Mark Havas
The Tech Untangler

Kara opened my eyes to where I was in my business

Kara's training really pushed me. She really made me think!

Colin Capurso

That she was able to cut through the clutter of my numerous thoughts and ideas and bring clarity to the situation.I was in overwhelm - with so many thoughts about my messaging, market and how to name and use the numerous social media accounts I had in different names - that I was stuck in analysis paralysis. I was frustrated because I was energised to take action, but had no clear path forward. Within minutes she was able to pull out the important parts of what was there and help me reassemble them in a clear and usable way. The clear path appeared! Instant relief and excitement! Honestly, there were even tears...(on my end!).While, we may be great at helping others get clarity, it is often hard to take yourself through the process objectively. Kara's experience came through in guiding me through the process, in understanding what was important and in recommending steps forward.That she was able to bring clarity AND recommend clear steps forward.

Arienne Gorlach

She got me organised! We set the goals, worked out when I needed to do weekly/daily to get me there. They were specific, not wishy washy.Kara was very knowledgeable and held my hand through a "troll" incident. She was the first person I went to to seek advice. Kara has also been extremely generous in her time and information when it comes to social media, trends, how things work, best times to post. I love that is comes from a psychological point of view.I started with no idea! Kara has filled my world with ambition, dreams and goals.So very generous with her knowledge and time.

Jo Speirs

Frequently Asked Questions

Please follow me on:

What is the difference between coaching & consulting?

Coaching is all about improving the skills of the person receiving the coaching. The skills can be technical or interpersonal. Coaching isn’t always teaching, it’s also about leading the person to a point where they find the solutions themselves. Coaching is driven by the person being coached.

Consulting is where the consultant brings their expertise to a situation to understand a problem, present solutions, and train participants.

Some circumstances need both coaching and consulting. That’s why I do both.

How do I know if I need, coaching, consulting, or both?

You need a coach if you want to drive the change yourself and improve your skills. Perhaps you want to improve:

  • Time management
  • Social media skills
  • Motivation
  • Your accountability
  • Self-esteem
  • Understanding how and why you self-sabotage

You need a consultant if you want to:

  • Develop strategies
  • Investigate opportunities or directions
  • Get advice from someone who has been there

If you want bits of both, then a coach-consultant is the best option and why I do both roles.

Regardless of the role I take, I will:

  • Adapt to your personal needs
  • Listen to what you are saying but also what you’re not saying
  • Question you on your mindset and what is really holding you back
  • Give honest feedback
  • Assign “homework” for you to do between sessions

Can I work with you face-to-face?

Of course, so long as you are in Adelaide, South Australia. Otherwise we can meet face-to-face via Zoom or we can do our sessions over the phone.

Do I have to work with you forever?

No, most of my clients will work with me for 4-6 sessions and then may decide to do one-off sessions when they need.

My business is in a tonne of debt; will working with you guarantee I will be debt free?

I wish I could say yes. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that I can get you out of debt because you need to do the work and then there are always things beyond our control. What I do know is that I have helped other businesses out of debt and to a place where they are smashing their financial goals – but they have worked their butts off to get there and it’s not been easy.

I’ve had a business coach before, how are you different?

Did your coach have a psychology degree, post-graduate management qualifications, mentor at three different Universities, speak internationally, or be a brand ambassador for their peak body?

I do all of these and my main difference is that I focus on what drives and motivates people: you, your staff, your clients. Many coaches will teach the skills and techniques, give templates and tools, I want you to be the best business owner you can be and I do that by making sure people are at the centre of all we do.

Do you have a coaching program?

When people ask me this they are either asking if I follow a set structure, system, or method OR they’re asking if I have a coaching package.

The answer is yes and no.

As I focus on what motivates and drives a person, I can say that this is my method. It’s grounded in my qualifications in psychology and business, and implemented in small businesses through to federal government (Yes, I really did use it in government because it’s where this all started).

And because I focus on the person, I have clients who call me daily, ones that meet me fortnightly, some that buy a package of sessions, and some that book on an ad-hoc basis. I can tell you what most people do and benefit from but you are the best judge of what you need from a business coach.

What is the main reason why your clients come to you?

The single most common reason clients come to me is because they are stuck. They are stuck trying to work out how to get more out of their social media. They’re stuck because Imposter Syndrome has them paralysed. They are stuck because they are overwhelmed with what they see before them. They are stuck and they need help finding a way out and they know that there has to be a better way and they are at the core of it.

Do I have to wait for our session to ask a question?

Nope! And please don’t. As an ongoing client, you have ‘reasonable’ email access to me. That includes questions about homework, things that have cropped up, things you’ve seen or heard, ideas you might have. Feel free to email me at 2am when they pop in your head, I’ll respond  (just not at 2am).

As seen in/on

Social Media Marketing Institute
The Rural Compass
Natural Born Coaches

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