Live streaming is moving on from Google Hangouts to either one-to-many (Periscope, Meerkat, MyEye) or many-to-many (, This shift has come with the adoption of mobile technology and the inability for Hangouts to start from a mobile device. Why is this important? The mobile (cell) phone is now more like a proxy computer than a phone. It is now a more popular way to shop and connect with people & brands. It’s convenient, and people have been looking for new ways to share experiences. I moved to live streaming at the end of May 2015. I first jumped on Periscope as a way to connect with my favourite business coaches. From there, I saw how powerful it could be as a way to connect with and educate my own followers. Connections Through live streaming, I have gained three joint ventures, one social media client & exposure to an amazing collection of people and influencers. These business benefits have only come about through live streaming. These connections have resulted in ongoing income opportunities. I have been able to build a group of friends that I can draw on from around the world. It means that I am likely to have someone to reach out to, face to face, at any time of the day. It removes the sense of isolation that business owners can have. Further to that, the sense of community that exists is uplifting. I have found that the people I stream with are incredibly supportive & the incidence of trolling is low and not tolerated within the community. Personal growth Don’t worry if you are not extroverted either, as you are working from an area of comfort, you control your interaction. You feel like you are chatting to your camera, or chatting to a friend. In fact, you can do private Periscopes to help you overcome any nerves. With practice I have become more forthright in all aspects in my life. I have learnt how to hold and project an opinion without being rude or opinionated. I have learnt how to become comfortable with talking to no-one or a lot of people. I have learnt to love my voice and see the beauty my videos that people see in me every day. Personally, this personal growth has been worth more than the ongoing income. My growth in self-esteem & self-worth has allowed me to push myself & my business further than I have ever anticipated. By having to turn the camera on myself, I am now better positioned to notice self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours; in turn allowing me to grow quicker and further. Show you walk the talk Other than building connections, my biggest take away from others is showing that you ‘walk the talk’. I said earlier that I joined Periscope to watch and connect with some of my favourite Facebook influencers, I learnt very quickly that to succeed you have to be able to walk the talk. While there will be businesses who prosper regardless thanks to their following, more will fail on live streaming because they can not walk the talk. On live streaming, you will be seen if you read a script, you will be caught out for inconsistencies, and if you pass of the ideas of others at your own – watch out. Not to say that this is the ‘Wild West’ of social media, but the platforms are true communities and they value authenticity. You will flourish on live streaming if you stay true to yourself and engage with the community. And that’s why I love live streaming.